September Wrap Up or My First Month Blogging

The monthly wrap up is a weekly meme hosted by Bookidote, in which you share everything that’s happened in the past month, as well as what you have coming up.


I made it!! One month of blogging down.  I can say that it has been a wild, lovely, amazing few weeks, made all the better by the awesome blogging community.

Things I Learned:

  1. Blogging when you don’t have wifi is freakin’ hard. Yup, that’s right. I don’t have internet at my house (or 4G.. I live in the boonies). Mainly because I like going home and getting sucked into a book or a card game, rather than down some  Pinterest/Buzzfeed/Cat GIF wormhole. HOWEVER, it has required a shitload of planning. And a lot of camping out at coffee shops and buying overpriced lattes.
  2. Bookstagram is nearly impossible in (wintertime) Alaska. I originally had the plan to link up my bookstagram (check me out) with this blog, but holy f’ is it impossible to take pictures that are even worthy of editing when the lighting ALWAYS SUCKS. It’s always raining. Or snowing. Or dark as shit. And come November/December/January, the sun’s going to rise at 11 AM and set at 1 PM. Not quite ready to go out and buy fancy a light any time soon sooooo … anyone have any tips?
  3. I read a lot more consciously and carefully now. Before this month, I read books like my husband (god love him) eats chips. As many as I could shove into my dome-piece, inhaling them before I could even taste them, and then reaching for the next handful. I devoured them, even if I didn’t like the book. Now, just a month into this whole blogging shindig, I’ve slowed down. I take notes. I actually think about what I’m reading. And, if I don’t like the book, I stop reading it. Woah. I only finish about a book a week now, but I enjoy it a hell of a lot more.
  4. The blogging community rocks. Like really rocks. Everyone is so supportive and wonderful. I LOVE reading comments, looking at everyone else’s blogs, adding to my ever growing TBR list. Every new follower sends me over the moon. AND I get to talk books with some seriously passionate people, rather than just fangirl at my mostly unresponsive husband.

Reviews I Posted:

Random Posts:

Coming Up for October:

  • Taking part in the Blogger Positivity Movement hosted by Becca @ Becca and Books!
  • Review of Magonia
  • Less memes, more posts from me!
  • My TBR is endless but I’m hoping to get through the following books:
    • Crooked Kingdom
    • Aerie
    • Like a River Glorious
    • a reread of the Throne of Glass series

Finally …. Thank you so much to all of my followers 🙂 I absolutely love interacting with all of you. You are WONDERFUL, and the reason I’m doing this! I look forward to getting to know all of you  better, and making some new friends along the way. Also, if you have any book suggestions, throw them my way!



11 thoughts on “September Wrap Up or My First Month Blogging

  1. YAYYYYYY!!!!!! I’m happy to hear that your first month went well! Although it does suck about the wifi situation and gloomy days to rain on the photo taking parade. and a reread of throne of glass??? ahhhhhhhh!!!!! i hope that goes well!


  2. Congratulaaaations on wading through your first month! Hope you enjoy your blogging journey. 🙂


  3. Congrats on your first month of blogging! I definitely relate to being more discerning when it comes to choosing the books I read and how I read them. I feel like blogging has made me a better reader and that I get more out of it than I did before. I hope you have many more wonderful months of blogging!


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