Sunshine Blogger Award

Hey everyone! I was nominated a bit ago by the wonderful Jasmine @ How Useful It Is! Check her out, she’s got a gorgeous blog and kills it at the reviews 🙂 I’m super excited that she nominated me, as this is the first blog tag of this type that I’ve gotten! I love reading these tags and getting to know all of you better.




1. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator.
2. Nominate 11 blogs.
3. Ask them 11 questions.


1. Does words comes easy for you when you start to write a blog post or book reviews?

HA! No, they do not come easily at all for me. I can sit and stare at my laptop for an hour without anything ground breaking coming to mind. Luckily, I’ve developed some tricks to keep myself writing. I always have a piece of scrap paper as my bookmark so that I can easily jot any thoughts or questions about my reading down. It makes it much easier to remember and transfer to a blog post later. And I carry my laptop with me EVERYWHERE. You never know when inspiration is going to hit!

2. How do you manage your time? Reading, Working, Commenting, Blogging, and Life.

My life is one crazy-ass scramble of activities and work. I’m in the Army and work 12-14 hour days with some 24 hour shifts mixed in. I also compete in long-distance endurance races, so training takes up every moment I’m not working. So, I sprinkle in reading and blogging wherever I can. Usually in car rides, during lunch hours, a few minutes snuck away at work. Planning blog posts is actually a fantastic way to pass time on a long run too 😉

3. Do you like to travel? Sightseeing?

I LOVE traveling. I used to work seasonally, and take months off at a time to travel to Southeast Asia, Europe, the Near East … now that I’m in the Army my travel’s a lot more restricted, but thankfully Alaska is a MASSIVE state so I’m quite content to take road trips here for the next year or so 🙂

4. What book are you currently reading?

I’m reading the Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater, the last book in her Raven Cycle series. OH MY GOD READ THIS SERIES. It is the best thing I’ve read in a long while. It has this magnificent magical quality to it that I find hard to come by in many of today’s YA fantasy books.

5. Do you carry a book with you everywhere you go?

YES! I do an absurd amount of waiting around at my job, so I always have a book tucked into the cargo pants of my uniform.

6. What is your favorite color?

I would say I don’t have one, but my wardrobe would say otherwise. My husband’s cut me off from buying purple clothes because I’m starting to look a little like Barney.

7. Do you do adult coloring?

I wish. I’ve tried to get into it but just can’t.

8. Do you go to restaurants judging by the look on the outside or recommendation by friends?

I actually have absurdly severe IBS and my digestive system just rejects almost everything I eat so I have to pick restaurants by their menu. And all the tasty places serve food I can’t eat 😦

9. What is your second favorite after reading?

Probably hiking? Or in a broader sense, exploring. I love going new places, particularly those in the way backcountry of Alaska. Nothing like being in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but endless mountain ranges in front of you and a blue sky above you.

10. Do you fall asleep while reading?

Every. Night. Usually at 830PM.. I know, pathetic.

11. Who is your book crush?

Oh. God. So many. Rhysand, Rowan, Aleksander, Gansey, Warner, Ignifex.. the list goes on and on 🙂


Maya @ Book Dragon 1017

Ashley @ Fictional Living

Megan @ Book Slayer Reads


NerdyBirdy @ Day Dreaming Books

Briana @ Pages Unbound

Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense

And yes, I know that’s seven and not eleven but I’m sneaking time away from my god awful work to do this and tick-tock, time is up. Whoops!


1. Weirdest scar you have, and how did you get it?

2. If you could travel to one country what would it be and why?

3. Ever thought about writing your own book? And if you are already, tell us about it!

4. Number one blogging tip for newbies?

5. What’s your dream job? Doesn’t have to be practical!

6. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

7. If you could be any fictional character, who would it be and why?

8. What animal best represents you?

9. Which fictional world do you want to live in?

10. If you could go back in time, which year would you travel to?

11. The best part of waking up is….?


There you go! Have fun, everyone 🙂

7 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. I love hiking too! I love being out in nature in general. Congrats on your award and thanks for nominating me! I love your questions and can’t wait to answer them!


  2. Great tag! I love learning more about people with these questions! Your life seems so very interesting and adventurous, I LOVE it! And thanks for tagging me I’ll answer your questions ASAP!!


  3. Firstly, thanks for serving our country. I seriously admire you for working all those hours and still finding time to read and blog. HATS OFF TO YOU!!! I want to visit Alaska so bad and when I plan too, you’ll be the first person I message lol.
    Thanks for tagging me!! Your questions are great!


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